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Coconut Macaroons… and 5 Ways to Kick Your Sugar Habit


coconut macaroons-3

A recipe for coconut macaroons, along with advice on how to kick your sugar habit sounds like an oxymoron doesn’t it?  It isn’t though! These macaroons are sugar free, yet they will still satisfy even the fiercest sweet tooth.  I promise not to give you advice like “take a walk when that sugar craving hits”.  That simply doesn’t work.  Your sweet tooth will be waiting for you the second you return (that’s if it didn’t decide to tag right along with you on your walk).  People laugh, but sugar addiction for many is very real. I’ve mentioned this before in a post, but I bet many of you remember the fascinating study they performed on rats?  When given the choice between sugar water or cocaine they went for the sugar every time!  Even the rats that were formally addicted to cocaine switched over to the sugar water.  Research shows sugar can be even more addicting than cocaine for humans as well as rats.   When we eat sugar there is an intense release of dopamine (one of our feel good chemicals) and as time goes by we need more and more sugar to get that same level of high. I don’t know about you, but I have never heard of anyone kicking their cocaine habit by taking a walk.  So here are some tips from a recovering sugar addict.

  1. Feed your sweet tooth!  With the right foods of course.  Browse under my dessert recipes and start making your favorites to have on hand.
  2. Consider it may be fungus fueling your sugar cravings.  Fungus need sugar to survive. So many of today’s “common health problems” have strong links (and some proven links) to fungus.  Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, sinus disease, gastric reflux, and even cancer to name a few, so don’t feed it and watch how much better you feel.
  3. Don’t keep sugary sweets in your home.  If your spouse likes to have sweets on hand, ask them to kindly hide them out of site and to support you by not giving in to you when you beg and plead for some sugary treats.
  4. Even foods like breads can make you crave sugar.  Stick to wheat and yeast free bread.  See my homemade flatbread recipe here.
  5. Don’t use sugar substitutes like aspartame and Splenda. In my opinion they are even worse for you than regular sugar.  Some great alternatives are xylitol, stevia, and honey.  Note – honey is on the phase II diet and used in moderation.

Now on to this delicious macaroon recipe!  Enjoy!

coconut macaroons-7

coconut macaroons

Coconut Macaroons (sugar free)

Erin Porter
These coconut macaroons are sugar free, yet they will still satisfy even the fiercest sweet tooth.
Course Desserts


  • 1 cup Organic unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1 cup Organic unsweetened toasted coconut flakes
  • 1 cup Coconut cream (heaping cup)
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract
  • 1/8 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Honey
  • 1 tbsp Xylitol


  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  • Grease cookie sheet VERY well. These macaroons are very sticky.
  • Mix all ingredients in a large bowl.
  • Use an ice cream scooper or your hands to create golf ball size balls and place on cookie sheet.
  • Bake for approximately 15 minutes or until golden brown on top.
  • Let cool on cooling rack for at least 25 minutes before eating.


Kaufmann 2 Diet (Kaufmann Phase II)


Mexican Taco Bowl

Mexican Taco Bowl

What?  No story of encouragement along with this week’s recipe you ask?  Not this time, but there ARE a few things in the works.  You see, something very exciting has happened behind the scenes to Eat, Pray, Get Well, and soon I will be able to share the news along with a story I am SURE will help so many and not just in their physical health.  Ok, enough teasing and on with this delicious recipe!  This dish (or should I say bowl) is bursting with flavor and you know I wouldn’t have it any other way.   The best part about this meal is not only can it be put together in less than thirty minutes but it also has the kids seal of approval.  Enjoy!



Mexican Taco Bowl

Erin Porter
This Mexican Taco Bowl is bursting with flavor and you know I wouldn’t have it any other way.   The best part about this meal is not only can it be put together in less than thirty minutes but it also has the kids seal of approval. 
Course Main Dishes


  • 1 lb. Ground Beef grass feed-antibiotic and hormone free-
  • Wick Fowlers Taco Seasoning contains no sugar, yeast, or anything artificial
  • Large Lettuce Wraps
  • Cilantro
  • 1 Avocado
  • 1 Medium Onion
  • 1 Can Black Beans
  • 1 Tomato diced
  • Mozzarella or Yogurt cheese shredded
  • Jalapeno - optional
  • Sour Cream - optional
  • Salsa - optional


  • Brown the ground beef in a skillet on medium-high heat.
  • While the meat is browning prepare your bowl by placing one large lettuce leaf inside a bowl.
  • Dice tomato, cilantro, jalapeno, and avocado and set aside.
  • Once the meat is brown add taco seasoning with a few tbsp. of water and stir until blended. Let cook additional 2 minutes.
  • Add seasoned meat to your lettuce bowl then pile on desired amount of black beans, cheese, cilantro, tomato, onion, and avocado.
  • Top with sour cream and salsa if desired.


Kaufmann 2 Diet (Kaufmann Phase II)


Guiltless Ham & Egg Wrap


You might be wondering why I am posting about breakfast wraps when I had planned on juicing for breakfast over the next 30 days.  Well, I was craving something a little different than juice this morning, and I don’t believe in sticking to hard and fast rules when it comes to food anyway.  Unless of course it’s sugar, wheat, and yeast free, which this breakfast is!  This warm ham and egg wrap is a delicious way to switch things up and is probably the next best thing to juicing for breakfast.  This wrap is made with Guiltless tortillas, which are not only grain-free, gluten-free, and yeast-free, but are also low-carb. Only 1 gram of net carbs to be exact.  So don’t feel guilty about putting down that juice, these delicious wraps are a powerhouse when it comes to nutrition!

On another note, so many of you chronic sinus sufferers are asking when I will give an update on my sinus infection.  Most of you know I flew to Atlanta to be treated by Dr. Dennis.  I’m sorry for the delay as things have been quite a world wind around here lately, but you will only have to wait a few more weeks.  Something very exciting is happening to Eat, Pray, Get Well behind the scenes and I will be able to give an update on that as well shortly.  In the meantime remember FUPO (fungus until proven otherwise) and you can click here to read the protocol Dr. Dennis is having me follow. I believe that post will help many of you finally get off the endless hamster wheel of antibiotics and surgeries.  Stay tuned and feel well!


Guiltless Ham and Egg Wrap

Erin Porter
This warm ham and egg wrap is a delicious way to switch things up and is probably the next best thing to juicing for breakfast.  This wrap is made with Guiltless tortillas, which are not only grain-free, gluten-free, and yeast-free, but are also low-carb.
Course Breakfast


  • Guiltless Tortillas
  • Organic Eggs
  • Ham antibiotic and hormone free
  • Yogurt Cheese optional
  • Spinach
  • Salt
  • Pepper


  • In a medium skillet melt butter and add eggs to scramble.
  • Cut ham into pieces and add to the eggs until warm.
  • Take eggs and ham out of skillet and place tortillas in the skillet to warm them up (about 10 seconds on each side).
  • Place spinach on the tortilla then add egg, ham, and cheese.
  • Season with salt and pepper. I also love to use my Trader Joe's everyday seasoning. Serve with a side of fruit if desired. Enjoy!


Kaufmann 1 Diet (Kaufmann Phase I)


Homemade Toasted Butter Pecan Ice Cream

butter pecan icecream1

The juicing posts are over for now.  Some of you are thrilled, and some actually loved them (which kind of surprised me) but now we are moving on to some homemade ICE CREAM!

My husband and I made this ice cream together, and what we realized was if our marriage can survive two strong willed people cooking in the kitchen together than we can get through anything life throws at us! We created this delicious toasted butter pecan recipe for two reasons.  One, we’ve been doing an awful lot of juicing around my house recently and so it’s time to treat ourselves. Also, I wanted to surprise my step father who will be flying down from New York today.  Butter pecan is his absolute favorite!   But because he has diabetes, he doesn’t get to enjoy many sweets as my mom keeps a watchful eye on what he eats.  I know him pretty well by now, as soon as his feet touch Florida soil he will go off the rails hitting every local ice cream shop in town looking for his butter pecan ice cream. This version is diabetic friendly as it is sweetened only with xylitol, so it won’t raise his glucose levels.

The Cuisinart ice cream maker was a Christmas gift from my husband.  He spent about $50 on it and it was well worth it!  I had never made ice cream before so I was pretty darn excited it came out so delicious, especially since I have been promising this ice cream post for days now!  It tasted so much better than store bought and you would never know it’s not from the local ice cream shop.  THAT’S how good it is! 

 You may now put down your juice and pick up that bowl of well-deserved ice cream.

butter pecan icecream3

Homemade Toasted Butter Pecan Ice Cream

Erin Porter
This Toasted Butter Pecan ice cream tastes so much better than store bought and you would never know it’s not from the local ice cream shop.
Course Desserts


  • 1 Cuisinart ice cream maker


  • 2 tbs Salted butter
  • 1 cup Chopped pecans
  • 1 1/2 tsp Xylitol
  • 2 cups Milk
  • 2 cups Heavy whipping cream
  • 10.8 oz Coconut cream (2 x 5.4 oz cans)
  • 4 Egg yolks
  • 1 cup Xylitol
  • 2 tsp Vanilla
  • 2 tbs Butter
  • pinch Salt
  • Vanilla bean (1/4 of ONE vanilla bean optional)


  • For the Roasted Pecans - in a medium frying pan melt 2 tablespoons of butter on medium heat.
  • Add pecans and 1 1/2 tsp xylitol and mix with wooden spoon. Leave in pan for about 3-5 minutes then take off heat and set aside.
  • For the Ice Cream - in a medium sauce pan over medium to high heat whisk together milk, xylitol, eggs, and salt. Let ingredient come to a simmer than slightly reduce heat and whisk for 5-7 minutes until mixture becomes thicker.
  • Take off of heat and add butter, milk, whipping cream, coconut cream and vanilla. Transfer to a medium size bowl.
  • Fill a large bowl with ice and set the medium bowl inside the large bowl in order to completely cool ingredients. This takes about 25 minutes.
  • Place ice cream in ice cream maker and time according to manufactures instructions. With our ice cream maker it was 20 minutes or until ice cream is as thick as you'd like.
  • Place in glass tupperware and place in the freezer. Best eaten the next day after it stays in the freezer overnight. Makes 1 1/2 quarts.


Kaufmann 2 Diet (Kaufmann Phase II)
IMPORTANT NOTE: We didn't read the directions to our ice cream maker beforehand so we didn't realize the bowl to our ice cream maker had to be frozen for 16 hours before using, so we had to wait until the next day to process our ice cream.

 butter pecan icecream

Green Liquid Therapy

Green Liquid Therapy

We are on day two of our juicing journey, if you missed yesterday’s post I wrote about how I was once again inspired by Joe Cross. If you haven’t seen his movie Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead it’s a must see! (He also has another movie coming out called Kids Menu, I can’t wait)!  And just because this is the last juice post for the week, that doesn’t mean you have to stop juicing. I will still be juicing behind the scenes for breakfast for the next 30 days (and hopefully beyond) and you can check out Joe’s recipes as well to keep you going and keep you inspired.

Now on to the juice! I chose green apples because they are lower in sugar than red apples and they also give this juice just the right amount of sweetness.  Now let’s talk nutrition!  I love thinking about the health benefits as I power my body with these juices in the morning.  It makes me think back upon my old breakfast habits. Back in my not so healthy days, I normally ate a doughnut for breakfast or something straight out of the vending machine.  It really is no wonder my body was screaming for mercy!  I have a friend that used to tell me everything we eat either provokes cancer or helps fight cancer. That powerful statement has really stuck with me and I think about it every time I get tempted to revert back to my old ways.

Something to ponder as you are drinking your green liquid therapy:

Doughnuts, according to Mercola are one of the worst 5 foods you can eat.  They raise your blood sugar, are high in calories, high in trans fats (which lead to heart disease) and are loaded with sugar. And we know sugar of course leads to fungal overgrowth, which if you follow Eat, Pray, Get Well, you are already aware of the link between fungus and cancer.

Speaking of Dr. Mercola and juicing recipes, he has some recipes of his own.


Spinach is high in zinc, niacin, protein and fiber, as well as vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6. The folate in spinach is good for your heart and for brain function.

Cucumbers contain fisetin which is like natures anti-inflammatory and also plays a role in brain function. Cucumbers also contain anti-carcinogenic (anti-cancer) properties and as well as support digestive health.

Green apples aid in digestion and are a great source of energy as they contain carbohydrates. They are rich in vitamin C which is an antioxidant (and antioxidants help eradicate free radicals which cause damage to cells).

Stay tuned for Sunday’s post. I’ll be making Toasted Butter Pecan Ice Cream (sugar free of course). I think we deserve a treat after all this juicing! I also think it’s easier to enjoy our healthy desserts when we are balancing them out by ingesting plenty of fruits and vegetables (like we do when we juice)!  Enjoy!

Green Liquid Therapy

Erin Porter
Start your day with this quick and delicious apple, spinach and cucumber juice, inspired by Joe Cross!
5 from 1 vote
Course Drinks


  • 1 Juicer


  • 1 1/2 Green apples
  • 2 Handfuls of spinach
  • 1/4 Cucumber


  • Juice all ingredients in juicer.


Kaufmann 1 Diet (Kaufmann Phase I)






Carrot Ginger Juice & Eat Pray Get Well is Rebooting With Joe!


carrot juice

Who is Joe?  For those that follow Eat, Pray, Get Well you probably already know who he is.  But for those of you that haven’t heard of him, his movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead is a must see! It’s also my “go to” movie when I find myself needing some inspiration.  I feel as if my sinus infection is finally taking a turn for the better so I’m going to help kick my body into high gear to fight this!. That’s where Joe comes in.  Joe had chronic health problems in his past (as many of you that visit eat, pray, get well do) but he has regained his health by changing his diet.  He started this change by “rebooting” his body by juicing. Joe believes that juicing breaks the cycle of unhealthy eating habits (I can attest to this as after a half a day of juicing, the thought of even eating a salad sounded like heaven to me).  Juicing also boots your immune system, helps your body detoxify, aids in digestion and it’s also a way to flood your body quickly of vitamins and minerals.

After watching the movie (again) I realized I had gotten away from my morning juicing. I am going back to juicing as a part of my morning breakfast routine.   I will be posting amazingly healing juice recipes for the next two days and once a month I will be adding new recipes into the mix.   Check out Joe’s site as well for tons of his own juice recipes.

I know some of you are disappointed in today’s “juice” post, I get it! I know it’s easy to get excited about a healthy version of a berry cobbler, or a warm bowl of chili, and creamy soups, but hang in there. I have something very special planned for Sunday. Toasted Butter Pecan Ice Cream! A sugar free healthy version of course but none the less it’s ice cream and not juice. So earn that ice cream and challenge yourself to juicing at least once a day for a few days (or hopefully longer). You will be surprised not only at how you feel but at how the pounds just fall off! Then if you continue it will become a habit and your overall health will surely improve!  Many of you will watch his movie and be inspired to make it a way of life and maybe even take Joe’s challenge to juice for a week or two or three.

Enjoy. You can do this!

Carrot Ginger Juice


carrot and ginger juice

Carrot and Ginger Juice

Erin Porter
This juice is nutritional powerhouse! Ginger and carrots not only contain antifungal properties, but anti-viral compounds as well. Ginger and carrots have been shown to fight cancer. This juice is also packed with Vitamin A, C, K, B8, potassium, and Iron.
Course Drinks


  • 1 Juicer (I have the Nama Juicer but you can use whatever you have handy)


  • 8-10 Carrots sticks
  • Ginger- use the size of a nickel and about 1/2 of an inch thick.


  • Throw all ingredients into the juicer. It's as simple as that!


Kaufmann 1 Diet (Kaufmann Phase I)
This juice is nutritional powerhouse! Ginger and carrots not only contain antifungal properties, but anti-viral compounds as well. Ginger and carrots have been shown to fight cancer. This juice is also packed with Vitamin A, C, K, B8, potassium, and Iron. Can you think of a better way to feed your body in the morning?



Creamy Lentil Chorizo Sausage Soup & Homemade Flatbread

Creamy Lentil

This creamy lentil and chorizo sausage soup is so hearty and satisfying on a chilly day.  I’d say “cold” day but here in Florida we still have not moved beyond chilly (and I’m not complaining)!  Also, If spicy is not your thing, you can always substitute a milder sausage.  This soup pairs well with a side of homemade flatbread, which we dipped in olive oil and spices.

Stay tuned for Thursday’s post.  Eat, Pray, Get Well will be rebooting with Joe Cross.  If you are not sure who Joe is check out his must see movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead.  It’s sure to change the way you think about food!

Just a few wholesome ingredients for the homemade flatbread, which is of course wheat/yeast/gluten/sugar free!



Creamy Lentil and Chorizo Sausage Soup

Erin Porter
This creamy lentil and chorizo sausage soup is so hearty and satisfying on a chilly day.
Course Main Dishes


  • Chorizo sausage (I use two large links) Buy Precooked
  • 32 oz Chicken Broth yeast free
  • 13.5 oz Light Coconut Milk I use 365-wholefoods brand
  • 1/2 Bag of carrots diced
  • 2 cloves Garlic
  • 2 tsp Salt
  • 1/4 tsp Fennel
  • 1/4 tsp Thyme
  • 1/4 Onion chopped OR 1/4 tsp onion powder
  • 1/4 tsp Black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp Parsley
  • 1 cup Red lentils – red are a bit sweeter.
  • 1 cup Green lentils
  • 1/4 cup Flour (I used Namaste Perfect Flour Blend - wheat/yeast/gluten free)
  • 2 tbsp Butter
  • 1-2 tbsp Olive oil


  • Rinse lentils. You don’t have to use both red and green lentils, I decided to use both for the color and slight change in flavor. Red lentils are a bit sweeter.
  • In a large frying pan melt 2 tbsp of butter.
  • Add 1-2 tbsp of olive oil.
  • Chop the garlic and onion in a food processor then sauté in butter and 1 -2 tablespoon of olive oil. Stir occasionally until translucent and slightly golden.
  • Add chopped carrots and just enough chicken broth to cover them. Sauté for an additional fifteen minutes until carrots have softened.
  • Add flour and all spices and stir.
  • Add remaining chicken stock and coconut milk to a large pot. Pour the sautéed vegetables in the large pot along with the lentils and allow to simmer on low for approximately 40 minutes or until lentils are tender.
  • Cut sausage and add to the pot about 10 minutes before serving. Enjoy!


Kaufmann 2 Diet (Kaufmann Phase II)


Berry Cobbler… and 12 Things the First Year of Marriage Has Taught Me

two white bowls of berry cobbler

It’s a new year and that could explain why I’m finding myself in a very introspective kind of mood.  Bob and I have been married a little over a year and I think I grew by leaps and bounds in this first year of holy matrimony!  In all positive ways of course, but as we grow there is always pain involved because we are being stretched.  Sometimes beyond what we think we can handle.  But if we are not being stretched then we aren’t learning or growing which means we are stagnant, and as the saying goes “when you are through changing, you are through”.

  1. I learned to let my spouse be right.  When I knew I was right, I wasn’t happy until my husband acquiesced and I also usually had to have the last word. Pride has no place in a marriage and so we can be right while making our spouse unhappy or learn to be flexible and live in harmony with our best friend.  So once I came to this conclusion, 2015 was full of swallowing my pride, but being happy is much more satisfying to me now than being right.
  2. I learned to be the first to say “I’m sorry”.   My husband would usually be the first to hand out the apologies even if I was in the wrong.  It didn’t matter to him who was wrong, what mattered to him was that we recognized that this was just the “small stuff” and in the grand scheme of things none of it really mattered. So now I keep the bigger picture in the forefront, and that is on having a happy, long lasting partnership and if that means I have to be the first to apologize, I am happy to do it.
  3. I learned love believes the best.  I no longer rush to judgement by trying to fill in the blanks with negative assumptions.  Instead, I listen carefully to what my spouse is saying and focus on the positive.
  4. I learned to give my spouse room to be human. We tend to look at our spouse with a much harsher lens than which we view ourselves. It’s human nature, but if we can practice taking our spouse off the potters wheel and accept who they are not only will they be happier but we will find ourselves happier as well.
  5. I learned patience (okay truth be told I’m STILL learning patience).  Nothing teaches us patients like being in a marriage with another flawed human being.  There is also nothing that restores harmony quicker to your home than displaying patients. Patience is walking out love.  Anyone can get upset and fly off the handle but it’s a gift you bring to the table when you can extend patience to your loved one.
  6. I learned if you are best friends first, everything else falls into place. Want to become invaluable to your spouse?  Focus on being their best friend first.  Cheer them on, pay attention when they are speaking to you, find out their needs and fulfill them, these are the ingredients for a happy marriage but too many of us want to see our spouse displaying these traits before we will start to display them ourselves.
  7. I learned to have a servants spirt.  My husband was born with this trait,  I was not.  I can’t remember a day that has gone by where he hasn’t asked me the question “what can I do for you today?”  I realized this kind of attitude only makes   the other person want to serve you in return which breeds more positive feelings.  So now I find out what my spouse needs done and get busy.
  8. I learned to be transparent.  Nothing should ever be hidden from each other.  Nothing.  Not money, not passwords, not feelings.  If you don’t have trust you won’t have a good marriage.  Period. So nothing is worth jeopardizing that trust. I am blessed to have a  partner that is 100% transparent!
  9. I learned to be vulnerable. Marriage is no place for walls, or for competition, or for perfectionism.  I think what makes us more beautiful to one another is exposing our flaws and our fears to each other. It makes us more human.
  10. I learned rudeness has no place in a marriage.  Sarcasm, snide remarks, and any tone resembling disrespect.  When you steer clear of these love destroyers the tone of your house  becomes one of respect and honor.
  11. I learned to fight fair – a month or so into our marriage during an argument I told my husband to stop “acting like a jerk”.  He in turn calmly asked me if that was the sort of marriage I wanted.  One that included calling your best friend names. It kind of shocked me as I thought that was pretty tame considering what I really wanted to call him.  But in the end I realized he was right. Disagreements are inevitable but we should bend over backwards to fight fair and not hurt one another.
  12. I learned about the power of laughter.  Laugher heals, it bonds, it naturally pulls you together like a magnet and it eases the pains of reality.  I learned that having a play mate is just as important as having a soul mate.

Final thought,  as sure as being your spouses biggest fan will cultivate an atmosphere of love and respect, being rude, spewing harsh comments, and selfishness I would imagine creates the perfect conditions for falling out of love.  I have my husband to thank for most of these lessons and I know I am a better person for having him in my life. He makes me look forward to each and every day with him and I can’t wait to see what lessons year two brings!

Now enjoy this amazing berry cobbler.  More proof sugar free doesn’t have to mean deprivation!

Berry Cobbler & 12 things the first year of marriage has taught me

Erin Porter
Enjoy this amazing sugar free berry cobbler.  More proof sugar free doesn’t have to mean deprivation!
Course Desserts


  • 1 cup Blackberries
  • 1 cup Blueberries
  • 1 cup Raspberries
  • 1/4 cup Coconut flour I used Bob's Red Mill for all flour
  • 1/4 cup Tapioca flour
  • 1/2 cup Almond flour To substitute a nut flour you can use 1/2 cup Namaste Muffin Mix (no sugar added)
  • 1 tbsp Arrowroot flour
  • 2 tbsp Melted butter
  • 1 tbsp Coconut oil
  • 2 1/2 tbsp Xylitol and a little extra for the top
  • 1/2 tsp baking solda
  • pinch Salt
  • 1/3 cup Coconut milk
  • 1 tsp Lemon juice
  • Dash of cinnamon


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  • Mix all dry ingredients (except for the arrowroot flour- and only 1 1/2 tbsp of xylitol) in a medium bowl.
  • Add butter and coconut oil to dry ingredients using a fork.
  • Add the milk a little at a time until it forms into a dough.
  • Roll the dough into a ball shape and set aside.
  • Toss the berries with and one additional tbsp of xylitol, lemon juice and arrowroot flour.
  • Grease baking dish or cast iron skillet with butter. I place a bit of butter in the dish and set in the oven for 1 minute.
  • Take the dish out and add berry mixture.
  • Tear dough into pieces and toss around and on top of the berries.
  • Sprinkle additional xylitol on top and some cinnamon if desired.
  • Bake for approximately 10-12 minutes until topping is slightly golden brown.
  • Top with homemade whipped cream if desired.


Kaufmann 1 Diet (Kaufmann Phase I)




Pasta with feta, olives, garlic, tomato, and capers

Gluten free pasta dinner recipe (Kaufmann 2 diet friendly)

pasta with olives and feta

Pasta on this diet?  Well sort of.  This pasta is made 100% out of red lentils!  When I first contemplated what I would have to give up to get well, I admit I panicked a little when it came to pasta.  It’s one of my MANY “can’t live without” foods.  Of course we tried the old stand by (rice pasta).  We even tried it more than once (I guess I kept hoping the next time it would be palatable)?  It never was.  It was always mushy AND hard all at the same time!  Then I stumbled across Tolerant Foods lentil pastas.  They make a red lentil and a black bean version.  I have only tried the red lentil but I really like it!  The taste is so similar to regular pasta I am not sure I would know the difference if I didn’t cook it myself.   This dish is light and packed with flavor! If you are a salt lover, the capers and feta cheese add a nice salty flavor.

pasta with olives and feta 2

To those out there that are healthy and maybe therefore don’t have the same incentive to change your diet, let me add that eating this way caused my husband and I to drop ten to fifteen pounds in the first 30 days and the weight stays off.  When you take sugar and grains out of your diet you will be amazed at how quickly the weight falls off.  Another interesting thing that happens is you eventually lose your taste for fake foods (chemical/man made foods-which is what the grocery stores are full of) and you start to crave real foods and real ingredients.  Once in awhile when I throw caution to the wind and eat whatever I want, I am always surprised that it doesn’t taste as great as I remember and  quickly realize it wasn’t worth it as I just FEEL better eating real food.

I’d love to hear what some of your “can’t live without it” foods are?

Pasta with Feta, Olives, Garlic and Tomato

Erin Porter
This gluten free dish is light and packed with flavor! If you are a salt lover, the capers and feta cheese add a nice salty flavor.
Course Main Dishes
Servings 5


  • 1/4 cup Olive oil plus 1-2 tbsp
  • Capers not packed in vinegar
  • Black olives not in vinegar
  • 1/2 Feta cheese
  • 3 cloves Garlic
  • Grape Tomatos
  • Red Lentil Pasta - I used Tolerant brand
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup Mozzarella cheese optional
  • Crushed red pepper flakes optional


  • Bring water to a boil in a large pot.
  • In the meantime heat olive oil in a skillet on medium-low heat.
  • Crush the garlic cloves with the back of a knife and add to the olive oil once heated and stir occasionally. Add another tablespoon of olive oil if needed. I normally will have to add a bit more. Leave the garlic in the olive oil for approximately 15 minutes.
  • Add your pasta once the water is boiling and cook as directed.
  • In a large serving bowl add your feta cheese, olives, tomato, and capers.
  • Once pasta is done, strain and set aside for a minute or two to cool down before adding to the bowl.
  • Lastly pour the garlic olive oil over the pasta and mix all ingredients together. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Add some mozzarella cheese if desired and stir again. Serve.


Kaufmann 2 Diet (Kaufmann Phase II)


Raspberry Linzer Tarts… and Finding Your Passion

Linzer tarts 3

If you would have told me eight years ago (at the height of all my health issues) that in 2015 I’d be running a successful blog about healing and healthy eating I would have said you were crazy!  I was unhealthy, I REALLY disliked to cook, and although I always enjoyed writing, I never considered it to be anything worth sharing.  So how did I get here?  It wasn’t by accident. Over the course of the twenty years I was sick, quite a few of those years I felt completely forgotten about by God.   But MOST of those years I felt guided by him, and guided most recently in a pretty miraculous way.  To read that story click here.

As I prayed for healing all of those years, not only did I feel my prayers did not get answered (in the way I wanted) but at some points my condition even worsened.  What I did receive however was a closer relationship with God.  It was during those rough times that he revealed himself to me, guided me, and sent people in my path to help.  As time allowed circumstances to unfold I realized he didn’t desert me at all but instead he had a plan.  As I look back upon that dark time I’m glad he didn’t answer my prayers by immediately restoring my health.  Although I went through dark times I wouldn’t change a thing as I know I am some how better off today.  For one, I wouldn’t have this beautiful forum in which people can gain support and help one another other get well. I wouldn’t have the relationship with God that I have, and I wouldn’t have met the amazing people I’ve had the privilege of meeting on this blog journey. As you know, I did regain my health back and I feel healthier than I have ever felt in my life.  All of my former health issues were resolved years ago (with the exception of my sinuses) and even though I still struggle in my sinuses I am starting to see the purpose in that as well.

So how did this blog get started and how did it get catapulted into success so quickly? Because it’s all from God! On March 30, 2015 I laid in bed dreading getting up to start my day. My day job left me feeling restless and stagnant and I often felt there had to be more to life than what I was experiencing. Although it’s a wonderful company with fantastic people I wasn’t satisfied.  There was something inside of me that wanted to do something bigger.  Something that made a difference and something that made me want to leap out of bed with excitement in the morning!  On that particular morning I prayed for God to show me what I can do with my life, I could no longer sleep walk through my life lacking passion.  It wasn’t audible but I felt like I was asked what I like to do?   Instantly I thought to myself I love photography, I love to write, and I love creating healthy recipes. But my very next thought was “but there is nothing I can do with that”.  There was no delay; I felt “start a blog”.  I can promise you the thought of a blog or sharing my writing or recipes NEVER crossed my mind prior to that morning. I drove to work excited about life and by the time I got there I had the entire blog laid out in my head.  I immediately contacted my husband (who happens to be a computer programmer).  Coincidence?  I don’t believe so!   God knows what he is doing.   I told him I know nothing about running a blog but that I wanted to start one right away. My husband either believes in me (or just loves me that much) that without hesitation he immediately said “then that’s what we need to do” and for the next 5 months we worked tirelessly on this blog.

Now let’s talk about the blog’s growth in the first 90 days. Eat Pray Get Well (EPGW) went live on September 13, 2015 (a little over 3 months) and the following has happened which I still cannot completely wrap my head around. America’s most popular alternative health TV show Know the Cause tweeted Eat, Pray, Get Wells’ content several times (know the cause was also the inspiration for eatpraygetwell) which has increased EPGW traffic. (Which in turn helps more people- I love that)! I have received social media acknowledgements and shout outs from several food companies, many of which I partnered with over the last few months. I was asked to write two guest blog spots, I watched one of my posts receive 10,000 views in 30 days (which is fantastic for a blog that was less than 60 days old at the time), and most importantly I received feedback from people who are suffering that have said they had been searching for answers and that this blog not only provided them with direction but also gave them hope.  All of this didn’t happen so quickly because I am special or particularly talented but because a dream was placed in my heart and I didn’t question it. I didn’t talk myself out of it because it seemed too big and overwhelming, or argue that I wasn’t talented enough. I saw the opportunity God was placing before me and I dove in head first. God doesn’t let our suffering go to waste. He uses all of it, and he turned mine into my purpose and my passion, which is teaching people how to eat in order to restore their health.  I’ve often heard people say “God has a plan for your life” but I thought those words were for other people who had particular talents I didn’t have. But those words are for all of us including you! Do you have something in your heart you always wanted to do but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you are still trying to find out what excites you and what your purpose is? If you have a dream in your heart don’t let go of it. If you’ll seek him  and ask what he’s doing in your life you will be shocked to see that his plan for your life is so much bigger than anything you could ever dream up for yourself.  So don’t go it alone, if you are lacking passion and purpose why not just try asking? It might just surprise you that he’s been waiting to show you and that he will use you in the most incredible ways!

UPDATE:  Little did I know just a few months after writing this I would be on national television telling my story on tv’s Know the Cause.  Then two months later on PBS American Health Journal!

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These cookies make a fantastic Christmas gift for people in your life who are health conscience but also have a big sweet tooth.  The beautiful “enjoy” container was purchased at Michaels for under $5.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.  I will release my next post on December 24th titled Chicken Soup and 7 ways to ensure you will be miserable so don’t miss it!  I will be back January 1st to respond to all emails and comments. Enjoy!


Raspberry Linzer Tarts

Erin Porter
Enjoy these easy sugar free raspberry linzer tarts!
Course Desserts, Snacks


  • Linzer Tarts:
  • 1 cup Almond flour
  • 1 cup Coconut flour
  • 1 3/4 cups Tapioca flour
  • 3/4 lb Butter
  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup Xylitol
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • Raspberry filling:
  • Raspberry Jam (I used Nature's Hollow brand as it is made with xylitol and not sugar.)


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
  • With an electric mixer, mix together the butter and sugar then add the vanilla.
  • In a medium bowl, mix the flour and salt, then add them to the butter and xylitol mixture. Mix on low speed until it’s thoroughly combined.
  • Place on wax paper dusted with tapioca flour and shape into a flat disk. Wrap it up in the wax paper and place in refrigerator for 30 -45 minutes.
  • Roll the dough 1/4-inch thick and cut with linzer tart cookie cutters. If the dough is too sticky, sprinkle additional tapioca flour on top before rolling. One side of the cookie will be flat and the other you will pierce with the lizer cutter (they come in different shapes) hearts, circles, stars, etc. Choose what you like.
  • Bake the cookies for approximately 10 minutes, you barely want to see any golden brown. Allow to cool to room temperature.
  • Spread raspberry preserves on the flat side of each solid cookie then add the top of the cookie (the one you have pierced with your shape).


Kaufmann 1 Diet (Kaufmann Phase I)
Instead of using prepackaged raspberry jam, you could also blend your own fresh raspberries in food processor with xylitol for your own sugar free filling.